

In my performances through every place across the country, I have met a number of people that impressed me a lot, and recently I have experienced
international relations through national anthems of various countries of the

The internet programs of TV that my former instructor produced triggered
such international relationships, intended to invite as the guests the foreign
ambassadors to Japan and to have them talk free about fresh information of their countries. Then I was asked by the instructor to sing, on the top of the
program, the national anthems of the guests as well as the anthem of Japan, Kimiga-yo. This is how I was named as a“national anthem diplomat,”and
it was in 2008 when this program was started with rather difficulties a the

What surprised me a lot was the fact that it was only in the world of the western music that the music paper existed I so far leaned. There was hardly music paper of the national anthems of most of the countries say
Africa and in the Middle East and it seems that the songs were spread from mouth to mouth. I myself have practiced them by recorded tapes or else
asked the relevant embassy staff to listen to me sing for confirmation. After
all these efforts, I could sing them well and they really enjoyed it. As prompted by the TV program, I had more chances of meeting the government
officials overseas in their receptions and attending various events held under
the sponsorship of foreign embassies in Japan It was my pleasure and I have never forgotten that when I sung in front of Israelite their national anthem, they were so moved with many thanks that they even wept at it,
expressing their appreciation saying it was such a beautiful and impressive way of singing.

Kimiga-yo, the Japanese national anthem, is a mild and peaceful song, but there are violent songs too in the world, some against background of struggles for territory and others showing the word“red”that implies blood.
and thus the histories of the country I can find through the words of their national anthems. Furthermore, when I was invited to attend the new year
festival of Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) I came to know their custom that they do every new year to boil milk in wishing happiness for the year. Without these activities of mine, I would have never
known such customs as well as traditions and civilizations of different countries.

In my concert, I have had chances to introduce the world’s folk songs, and
the year before the last, I sung a folk song that I learned from the ambassador and his wife of Albania (Republic of Albania) , good friends of mine, when the ambassador of Syria (Syrian Arab Republic) in the hall asked me to sing a Syrian song in envy of it. They were all sweet and open-hearted. While I have been introducing foreign songs, I have been
serving as an instructor to teach at my local schools Japanese songs and sing them together with children, in an attempt to bring them up to introduce
overseas the wonderful Japanese songs.

I feel much pressure of singing the national anthem as it represents the whole nation, but I take it not in the relationship of nation to nation but people to people. Each song that I sing is full of pleasure, full of tears and inward healing and peace.Having as many people as possible feel and realize the power of music that is common to them all across the world, is really my earnest desire..

